
MigraVoice promotes and maintains a cross-border community of experts with a migration background the “MigraVoice Superpower Community,” who share their knowledge and participate as reliable sources in the media.
We promote the creation of high-quality, multi-format journalistic content with the participation of expert migrant and refugee voices.
We stimulate the diversity of perspectives in the media
In a pluralistic society like Europe, the media should reflect diverse viewpoints.
We value the expert voices of migrants and refugees
People with a migration background have a lot of knowledge to share with European societies.
We support cultural change in European newsrooms
MigraVoice helps newsrooms find knowledge among expert communities with a migration background, in various languages.
If we increase the presence of expert migrant and refugee voices in European media:
- We enhance the standing of migrant expert voices on general interest topics.
- We empower European journalists and media outlets to promote diversity and inclusion in their work.
- We provide European society with access to diverse content and narratives that consider people with a migration background.
- With training opportunities and materials to support the communication skills of people with migration experience who want to share their knowledge and help them effectively respond to journalists’ requests.

We build communication and journalistic capacities:
- With training opportunities and materials to support the communication skills of people with migration experience who want to share their knowledge and help them effectively respond to journalists’ requests.
- We train migrant journalists to develop their own stories in multiple formats and create a “pop-up newsroom” with them to produce rigorous and impactful journalistic content.
- We promote the production of journalistic content featuring expert migrant voices and its international dissemination.
MigraVoice: an open initiative
MigraVoice aims to be a community that connects people with a migration background who want to make their knowledge available to society with journalists, media outlets, and academics.
Contact us if you’re unsure whether this project is for you—we’ll guide you!
A Collaboration of Six European Media Organizations
Maldita.es (Spain), Are We Europe (Netherlands), Raseef22 (Germany), Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso Transeuropa (Italy), The London Story (Netherlands), and Media Diversity Institute Global (Belgium).
A Project Co-Funded by the European Union
‘MigraVoice: Migrant Voices Matter in the European Media’ is an 18-month program that began in January 2024 that is co-funded by the European Union. Project Number: LC-02408780.
The opinions and views expressed are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.