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Frequently Asked Questions
‘MigraVoice: Migrant Voices Matter in the European Media’ is a project co-funded by the European Union, in collaboration with six prominent European media organizations: Maldita.es (Spain), Are We Europe (Netherlands), Raseef22 (Germany), Osservatorio Balcani eCaucaso Transeuropa (Italy), The London Story (Netherlands), and Media Diversity Institute Global (Belgium).
MigraVoice aims to amplify the voices and perspectives of migrants and refugees within the European media and information space, by promoting active participation of individuals with migration background in the creation of high-quality media content for European audiences in both traditional and social media formats.
MigraVoice promotes and maintains a cross-border community of experts with migration background, the ‘MigraVoice Superpower Community’, who share their knowledge and participate as reliable sources in the media.
If you have a migration background and believe that your knowledge can be useful to society, MigraVoice is a space designed for you.
We are looking for experts with a migration or refugee background with knowledge they want to share. Any field of knowledge is welcome: not just migration issues. It could be expertise in nutrition, history, law, climate science, sport or any other topic you can think of.
By expert, we mean someone who has a thorough understanding and knowledge of a particular issue, topic, or discipline. At MigraVoice, we believe that everyone is an expert in something.
By people with migration or refugee background, we refer to an individual who resides (or whose parents reside) in a country other than their country of birth—especially if their birth country is outside the top 30 HDI (Human Development Index) countries of the UNDP.
We are also looking for organizations working with migrant and refugee communities that help us to spread the word. Contact us!
The media have the power to create and shape public opinion. The representation of migrants in the media is characterized by their presence as an object in greater proportion than as an informative subject, and by a narrative construction that divides between “us” and “them”. These discourses favor the dehumanization of migrants and, ultimately, facilitate the creation of hate speech, with tangible consequences in the lives of people with a migration background. MigraVoice aims to change narratives by including migrant perspectives in European journalism and increasing the status of migrant expert voices on issues of general interest.
If you are a person with a migration or refugee background and some knowledge you want to share, MigraVoice needs you! You can join the “MigraVoice Superpower Community” by filling out a form where we will ask for some personal details and for you to explain your knowledge.
You don't need to have a PhD or extensive academic or professional qualifications, but you should add some kind of evidence that testifies to your engagement and expertise in their field (this could be publications, work experience, online course certificates…).
As a journalist or media outlet, you can request access to the ‘MigraVoice Reporting Hub’ database to contact migrants or refugees who are experts on different topics and cite them in journalistic publications. Increase the diversity of perspectives in your journalistic coverage! Request access by filling out a form where we will ask for some professional details and references to your journalistic work.
Academics can also access the “MigraVoice Reporting Hub” to engage with experts from the “MigraVoice Superpower Community” in conducting their studies. You can request access by filling out the “MigraVoice Reporting Hub” form with your professional and contact details.