migravoice data protection policy
1. Identification and contact information of the Joint Controllers of the data treatment
The personal data that you provide through this Service (form, web page or app) are the responsibility of the following Joint Controllers:
- Media Diversity Institute Global- MDIG with address at Rue d’Edimbourg 26, 1050, Brussels, Belgium, and official registration number 697950929, VAT number: N/A (hereinafter, MDIG)
- Centro per la Cooperazione Internazionale/Osservatorio Balcani Caucaso Transeuropa - CCI with address at Vicolo San Marco 1, 38122 Trento (TN) - Italy, and official registration number 75, Registro delle persone giuridiche, VAT number: IT 02076540224 (hereinafter, CCI)
- Idea department e.V. Act. “Raseef22”- R22 with address at Friedrichstrasse. 114 a, 10117 Berlin, Germany, and official registration number VR39946 B, VAT number: N/A (hereinafter, RASEEF)
- Stichting Are We Europe - AWE with address at Veemkade 518, 1019 HE Amsterdam, the Netherlands, and official registration number 69532451, VAT number: NL 857908121 B01 (hereinafter, AWE)
- Stichting The London Story - TLS with address at The Hague Humanity Hub - Fluwelen Burgwal 58, 2511 CJ The Hague. Netherlands, and official registration number 77721306, VAT number: N/A (hereinafter, TLS)
This Policy provides information on the use of personal data that the Joint Controllers will make and on the rights that assist the User under the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”).
If you have any questions regarding the processing of your personal data, contact:
- MALDITA at the corresponding address that you will find in our privacy policy
- MDIG at the corresponding address that you will find in our>privacy policy
- CCI at the corresponding address that you will find in our privacy policy
- RASEEF at the corresponding address that you will find in our privacy policy
- AWE at the corresponding address that you will find in our privacy policy
- TLS at the corresponding address that you will find in our privacy policy
Without prejudice to all of the above, each Joint Controller is independently responsible for the processing of personal data included in the news for informational and journalistic purposes.
2. What is the legitimacy for the processing of your personal data? How long will we keep your personal data? To which recipients can your data be disclosed?
In this Privacy Policy you will be informed about:
- The purposes of the processing of your personal data, that is, the reason why the Joint Controllers process your personal data.
- The legal bases that legitimize and justify the processing of data by the Joint Controllers for each of the indicated purposes; The main basis of legitimacy to process your data is the consent that you yourself give us when registering, requesting our services or contacting us.
- The possible communication of your data to third parties, as well as the cause of said communication. For these purposes, we inform you that we do not transfer your personal data to third parties except when there is a legal obligation to do so. In addition, the Joint Controller's data processors may have access to your personal data, i.e. service providers who need access to your personal data in order to carry out their functions. These service providers are generally in the technology and services sectors. Please note that you can request further details about the recipients of your data by sending an e-mail to the corresponding address, indicating the specific processing operation about whose recipients you would like information.
- The retention period of the data you provide us. For these purposes, we inform you that we will keep your personal data for the period necessary to carry out the processing of the data or until you exercise your rights to terminate the processing. Likewise, we inform you that, once this period has passed, your data will remain blocked for the attention of judicial, administrative or fiscal claims, for the periods legally determined by the regulations that are applicable in each case.
3. For what purpose do we process your personal data?
When you register as a MigraVoice expert, we will use your data to:
- Create a profile in the MigraVoice platform from which you can access, change and/or provide new data.
- Media/academia/civil society organization users registered in the Report Hub will be able to see the following data in your profile:
- Title
- First name
- Surname
- Country of residence
- Photo (if you provide it)
- Your field of expertise (brief title)
- Your short description of your field of expertise
- Languages you speak
- Links/handles to your social media accounts (if you provide them)
- Preferences regarding citation with your name or as anonymous in the journalistic content you contribute to
- Formats would you like to collaborate with media outlets in
- Email address
- Phone number (if you provide it)
- Registered Reporting Hub users will be able to contact you to request collaboration on a topic in which we need your expert advice.
- We will also use your contact data to keep you informed of our activities, services and news. You will be able to opt out from these updates at any time.
- If you send us an email or use our contact form, we will use your data to manage your request, respond to you and/or resolve the doubt or query you raise.
When you register as a media/academia/civil society organization user in the MigraVoice Reporting Hub, we will use your data to:
- Create a profile in the MigraVoice platform from which you can access, change and/or provide new data.
- We will also use your contact data to keep you informed of our activities, services and news. You will be able to opt out from these updates at any time.
- If you send us an email or use our contact form, we will use your data to manage your request, respond to you and/or resolve the doubt or query you raise.
4. Exercise of your rights
If we process your data you should know that your rights are:
- Right to request access to personal data: you can ask us if we are processing your data, and if so, access it.
- Right to request rectification if the data is inaccurate, or complete the data that we have incomplete.
- Right to request the deletion of your data.
- Right to request the limitation of your processing: in this case, we will only keep them for the exercise or defense of claims.
- Right to object to processing: we will stop processing personal data, with the exception that they must continue to be processed for legitimate reasons or for the exercise or defense of possible claims.
- Right to data portability: if you want your data to be processed by another controller, we will facilitate the transfer of your data to the new controller, whenever technically possible.
- Right not to be subject to a decision based solely on the automated processing of your personal data.
We inform you that you can exercise the following rights:
You can exercise your rights at any time and free of charge in the following ways:
To exercise your rights, send us an email to:
- MALDITA: [email protected] or write to us at the postal address listed in section 1 of this Privacy Policy.
- MDIG: [email protected] or write to us at the postal address listed in section 1 of this Privacy Policy.
- CCI: [email protected] or write to us at the postal address listed in section 1 of this Privacy Policy.
- RASEEF: [email protected] or write to us at the postal address listed in section 1 of this Privacy Policy.
- AWE: [email protected] or write to us at the postal address listed in section 1 of this Privacy Policy.
- TLS: [email protected] or write to us at the postal address listed in section 1 of this Privacy Policy.
If you have not obtained satisfaction in the exercise of your rights, you can file a claim with the competent data protection authority (in the case of Spain, https://www.aepd.es ).
Remember that you are responsible for the data you provide us, therefore, your data must be true, accurate and you must keep it updated.
5. Modifications
We will only use your personal data as established in this Privacy Policy, which is in force at the time we collect your information. In the event that we make a modification to the processing of your data, you will be informed in a timely manner.
Frequently Asked Questions
‘MigraVoice: Migrant Voices Matter in the European Media’ is a project co-funded by the European Union, in collaboration with six prominent European media organizations: Maldita.es (Spain), Are We Europe (Netherlands), Raseef22 (Germany), Osservatorio Balcani eCaucaso Transeuropa (Italy), The London Story (Netherlands), and Media Diversity Institute Global (Belgium).
MigraVoice aims to amplify the voices and perspectives of migrants and refugees within the European media and information space, by promoting active participation of individuals with migration background in the creation of high-quality media content for European audiences in both traditional and social media formats.
MigraVoice promotes and maintains a cross-border community of experts with migration background, the ‘MigraVoice Superpower Community’, who share their knowledge and participate as reliable sources in the media.
If you have a migration background and believe that your knowledge can be useful to society, MigraVoice is a space designed for you.
We are looking for experts with a migration or refugee background with knowledge they want to share. Any field of knowledge is welcome: not just migration issues. It could be expertise in nutrition, history, law, climate science, sport or any other topic you can think of.
By expert, we mean someone who has a thorough understanding and knowledge of a particular issue, topic, or discipline. At MigraVoice, we believe that everyone is an expert in something.
By people with migration or refugee background, we refer to an individual who resides (or whose parents reside) in a country other than their country of birth—especially if their birth country is outside the top 30 HDI (Human Development Index) countries of the UNDP.
We are also looking for organizations working with migrant and refugee communities that help us to spread the word. Contact us!
The media have the power to create and shape public opinion. The representation of migrants in the media is characterized by their presence as an object in greater proportion than as an informative subject, and by a narrative construction that divides between “us” and “them”. These discourses favor the dehumanization of migrants and, ultimately, facilitate the creation of hate speech, with tangible consequences in the lives of people with a migration background. MigraVoice aims to change narratives by including migrant perspectives in European journalism and increasing the status of migrant expert voices on issues of general interest.
If you are a person with a migration or refugee background and some knowledge you want to share, MigraVoice needs you! You can join the “MigraVoice Superpower Community” by filling out a form where we will ask for some personal details and for you to explain your knowledge.
You don't need to have a PhD or extensive academic or professional qualifications, but you should add some kind of evidence that testifies to your engagement and expertise in their field (this could be publications, work experience, online course certificates…).
As a journalist or media outlet, you can request access to the ‘MigraVoice Reporting Hub’ database to contact migrants or refugees who are experts on different topics and cite them in journalistic publications. Increase the diversity of perspectives in your journalistic coverage! Request access by filling out a form where we will ask for some professional details and references to your journalistic work.
Academics can also access the “MigraVoice Reporting Hub” to engage with experts from the “MigraVoice Superpower Community” in conducting their studies. You can request access by filling out the “MigraVoice Reporting Hub” form with your professional and contact details.