migravoice data protection policy

1. Identification and contact information of the Joint Controllers of the data treatment

The personal data that you provide through this Service (form, web page or app) are the responsibility of the following Joint Controllers:


This Policy provides information on the use of personal data that the Joint Controllers will make and on the rights that assist the User under the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”).

If you have any questions regarding the processing of your personal data, contact:

Without prejudice to all of the above, each Joint Controller is independently responsible for the processing of personal data included in the news for informational and journalistic purposes.

2. What is the legitimacy for the processing of your personal data? How long will we keep your personal data? To which recipients can your data be disclosed?

In this Privacy Policy you will be informed about:

3. For what purpose do we process your personal data?

When you register as a MigraVoice expert, we will use your data to:

When you register as a media/academia/civil society organization user in the MigraVoice Reporting Hub, we will use your data to:

4. Exercise of your rights

If we process your data you should know that your rights are:

We inform you that you can exercise the following rights:

You can exercise your rights at any time and free of charge in the following ways:

To exercise your rights, send us an email to:

  1. MALDITA: contacto@maldita.es or write to us at the postal address listed in section 1 of this Privacy Policy.
  2. MDIG: info@media-diversity.org or write to us at the postal address listed in section 1 of this Privacy Policy.
  3. CCI: info@cci.tn.it or write to us at the postal address listed in section 1 of this Privacy Policy.
  4. RASEEF: info@raseef22.com or write to us at the postal address listed in section 1 of this Privacy Policy.
  5. AWE: info@areweeurope.eu or write to us at the postal address listed in section 1 of this Privacy Policy.
  6. TLS: info@thelondonstory.org or write to us at the postal address listed in section 1 of this Privacy Policy.

If you have not obtained satisfaction in the exercise of your rights, you can file a claim with the competent data protection authority (in the case of Spain, https://www.aepd.es ).

Remember that you are responsible for the data you provide us, therefore, your data must be true, accurate and you must keep it updated.

5. Modifications

We will only use your personal data as established in this Privacy Policy, which is in force at the time we collect your information. In the event that we make a modification to the processing of your data, you will be informed in a timely manner.

Frequently Asked Questions

‘MigraVoice: Migrant Voices Matter in the European Media’ is a project co-funded by the European Union, in collaboration with six prominent European media organizations: Maldita.es (Spain), Are We Europe (Netherlands), Raseef22 (Germany), Osservatorio Balcani eCaucaso Transeuropa (Italy), The London Story (Netherlands), and Media Diversity Institute Global (Belgium).

MigraVoice aims to amplify the voices and perspectives of migrants and refugees within the European media and information space, by promoting active participation of individuals with migration background in the creation of high-quality media content for European audiences in both traditional and social media formats.

Know more about MigraVoice.

A cross-border community of experts with migration backgrounds participating in the creation of high-quality media content on European media.